Посадил дед репку по английски

Добавил пользователь Дмитрий К.
Обновлено: 19.09.2024

Деревенский дворик. Слева на заднем плане заборчик. За ним находится подсолнух. Справа – грядка, широкая коричневая полоса из бумаги, положенная на ребро (за полосой сидит Репка). Ранее утро. Музыка. Звуки природы.

Выходит фермер Джо.

Joe: Hello, my name is Joe. In May I planted a turnip and now it’s high time to pull it out.

Joe : (Джо подходит к репке, наклоняется к ней и пытается вытащить её из земли): The turnip is too big. (Хлопает в ладоши) One, Two, Three. I love my wife and my wife loves me. Rosie !Rosie! Please! Help me!

Выходит жена фермера Рози.

Rosie: Hi, I’m Rosie. I love my husband and my husband loves me.

Together (вместе): One, Two, Three. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! (тянут репку)

Rosie : The turnip is too big.

Joe : (выпрямившись вытирает пот со лба) One, Two, Three. (Хлопает в ладоши) I like my dog and my dog likes me. Doggie, Doggie, please, help me!

Dog: I’m the dog.

My name is Jack.

My ears are white.

My nose is black.

Together (вместе ): One, Two, Three. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! (Джон, Рози и Джек пытаются вместе вытащить репку)

Dog : The turnip is too big.

Rosie: One, Two, three. I love my granddaughter and my granddaughter loves me. Lizzie, Lizzie, please help me.

На сцену выбегает Лиззи.

Lizzie: Hi, I’m Lizzy, I love my grandmother and my grandmother loves me.

Together (вместе ): One, Two, Three. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! (Пытаются все вместе вытащить репку)

Lizzie : The turnip is too big. One, Two, three. I like my cat and my cat likes me. Pussy, Pussy, please help me.

На сцену выбегает кошка.

Cat : I’m a cat.

I don’t like rats.

When they sit on the mats.

Together (вместе ):

Cat: The turnip is too big. One, Two, tree. I like mice. Mice don’t like me…But Mouse, Mouse, please help me.

На сцену выбегает мышка.

Mouse: I’m a brave and funny mouse.

I am marching through the house.

All day long I dance and sing.

I’m not afraid of anything.

Together (вместе ): One, Two, Tree. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! Все пытаются вытянуть репку

Joe: The turnip is too big. Let’s try again. Снова тянут репку.

Rosie: Wow! We have done it!

Репка встает и выходит из-за грядки.

Turnip: Hi! I am Turnip!

Все поют песню “The more we get together"

The more we get together,

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

Oh, the more we get together,

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

There’s Chris and Tanya

And Jason and Jusitn.

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

(Ok, are you ready to sing now?)

The more we get together,

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

‘Cause your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we get together,

Конспект открытого занятия

по обучению детей английскому языку

Возрастная направленность :6-7 лет.

The Turnip(Репка )

Цели и задачи занятия .

1. Мотивировать детей к изучению языка и развить положительное отношение к иностранным языкам .

2. Развить навыки аудирования.

3. Тренировать правильное произношение с помощью песен, речевок, и стихов.

4. Развивать сотрудничество и уважение детей друг к другу и к себе посредством драматизации.

5. Сообщить культурологические сведения.

6. Развивать коммуникативные навыки.





Once upon a time there was an old men who planted a turnip.

Посадил дед репку .

He gave it some water.

Стал дед поливать его.

Turnip: O water, I like water.

O вода, Я люблю воду.

The turnip grew bigger and bigger.

Выросла репка большая-пребольшая .

Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn"t pull it up!

Grandpa: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for me!

Пошел дед рвать репку : тянет - потянет, вытянуть не может.

Grandpa called Grandma.

Позвал дед бабку.

Grandpa: Hey,wife,come and help me.

Grandpa and Grandma: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn"t pull it up!

Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку - тянут - потянут , вытянуть не могут!

Grandma calls the granddaughter.

Grandma; Hey, granddaughter, come and help us.

Granddaughter; All right.

Grandpa, Grandma and Granddaughter: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

Granddaughter came. Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn"t pull it up!

Пришла внучка. Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку - тянут - потянут , вытянуть не могут!

The granddaughter calls the dog.

Granddaughter ;Hey doggy,can you help us?

Dog; Yes,of course.

Grandpa, Grandma, Granddaughter and dog:: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

The doggy came. Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn"t pull it up!

The dog calls the cat.

Dog;Hey,Pussy cat,come and help us.

Grandpa, Grandma, Granddaughter, dog and cat: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

A kitty came. Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn"t pull it up!

Пришла кошка. Кошка за собачку, Собачка за внучку, Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку - тянут - потянут , вытянуть не могут!

The cat calls the mouse.

Cat: Hey, Little mouse, come and help us.

Mouse: O with pleasure.

Grandpa, Grandma, Granddaughter ,dog, cat and mouse:: One, two, three, one, two, three! It will go!

A mouse came. The mouse pulled kitty, Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled the turnip up!

Пришла мышка. Мышка за кошку, Кошка за собачку, Собачка за внучку, Внучка за бабку, Бабка за дедку, Дедка за репку - тянут - потянут - вытянули репку !

The Turnip: Here I am!

Публикации по теме:

Цель: закрепление знаний о числовом ряде, умения ориентироваться в числовом ряду, решение простых арифметических задач. Задачи: Обучающие:.

На сцене стоит стол, а на нём- компьютер.

Grandfather: I am a grandfather.

I am strict and strong.

I play computer all day long.

Grandmother: I am a grandmother.

I am kind and wise.

I cook cakes, soup and rice.

Grandson: I am a grandson.

For my granddad like the sun.

I am computer-wise

And I like our granny`s rice.

Granddaughter : I am a granddaughter

Beautiful and merry

My eyes are blue like water

My lips are red like a cherry. Убегают

Grandfather: I want a turnip big and round.

I put the turnip in the ground.

Turnip: I am growing bigger and bigger. (с корточек садится на стул)

Soon I will be very sweet and very big.

I’m deep in the ground.

Don’t try me to dig.

Grandfather: Turnip! Do your best!

And we… let`s have a rest! (садится за компьютер, надевает наушники) MUSIC

Репа начинает вянуть, опускает листья

Grandmother: Hey, Granddaughter, Grandson, come and water it!

Выходит внучка и внук с лейками. Поливают. Репка растёт (встаёт со стула).

Granddaughter : Let`s pull it.

Grandson: Let`s pull it.

Grandmother: Wepull it but we can’t pull it out. Hey, Grandad, come and help us!

Grandmother, Granddaughter : Grandad.

Grandmother: Look, my dear! Again! Let`s pull him out first!

Grandmother, Granddaughter : Тянут дедушку втроём: (вместе )

ONE! TWO! THREE! Падают на пол вместе и внучка пальцем показывает в сторону репки

Granddaughter : Look! The turnip is so big! Let`s pull it out together!

Grandfather: Дед протирает глаза. Oh, my Turnip! Скачет возле репки. Okay, we pull it out.

ВСЕ : ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

Granddaughter : Hey, Doggy, come and help us.

Dog : I’m Doggy, bow-wow.

ВСЕ : ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

Dog: Hey, Kitty, come and help us.

CAT: I am Kitty, mew-mew-mew.

I’m not lazy and not fat

I’m a pretty fluffy cat

I like fish and meat to eat

And don’t worry about my fit.

Okay, I will help you.

ВСЕ : ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

CAT: Hey, Mouse, come and help us.

Mouse: I am a poor grey mouse.

I live in your house.

I go everywhere.

I am here and there.

Okay, I will help you.

(вместе ) ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!

ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! (утирают пот)

ONE! TWO! THREE! (репка встаёт со стула и все радуются)

Oh, yes! We did it!

Turnip: Thank you very much!

(вместе) You are welcome!

Все по очереди хвалят репку.

Granddad: It`s great!

Grandmother: It`s very tasty!

Grandson: It`s OK!

Granddaughter : It`s super!

Dog: It`s fantastic!

Cat: It`s marvelous!

Mouse: It`s lovely!

(вместе) Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we"ll be

The more we get together
The happier we"ll be

Together, together
The more we learn (work) together
The happier we"ll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we learn (work) together
The happier we"ll be
The more we play (sing) together
Together, together
The more we play (sing) together
The happier we"ll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we play (sing)together
The happier we"ll be.

Организационные моменты

Воспитание активно - творческого и эмоционально-эстетического отношения к слову через инсценировку сказки.

1) интерпретировать лексику через систему игр, а не механическое запоминание слов по списку;

2) включить новые слова в систему отношений, уже сложившуюся между известными детям словами и их группами .

Содержание мероприятия (конспект)

Действующие лица :

Репка (the Turnip)

Дед (the Grandfather)

Бабка (the Grandmother)

Внучка (the Granddaughter)

Мышка (the Mouse)

Autumn is the time for harvest.
Gather in what you have grown!
Give the treat to every house,

His and hers and your own

Narrator : Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived in the village of Redkino. Everybody knew them because the Grandfather was the most famous gardener all over the region. He grew the best fruit in the village. His plums were very juicy in his garden. His strawberries were the most beautiful and sweet as sugar. His cherries were always sweet too. The Grandfather was very proud of his it. But one day he decided to start growing vegetables. And he goes to the garden and plants a turnip.

Звучит весёлая музыка и появляется дед с лопатой.

Grandfather: Hello, my name is Joe. In May I planted a turnip and now it’s high time to pull it out.

N . : Pulls the Turnip.

Joe: The Turnip is too big for me! I love my wife and my wife loves me. Rosie, Rosie please help me!

N.: The Grandmother is very bright spark. She likes to sing and dance. She never looks sad.

Rosie: What’s the matter?

Joe: Help me, please!

Rosie: All right, Joe.

N.: The Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Joe and Rosie:

N.: No result.

Rosie : Oh,the Turnip is too big for us.

N.: They have a Granddaughter, Kate by name. She is a very kind girl, she always helps her Grandparents . Grandmother calls the Granddaughter.

Rosie: Kate, Kate, come here, help us, please!

Kate : All right, Granny. I’m coming

На сцену выходит внучка

N.: The Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Joe and Rosie and Kate: One, two, three. One, two, three!

N.: No result.

Joe and Rosie and Kate: Oh, it’s too big for us!

N.: Granddaughter calls the dog.

Kate: Dog, Dog, come here, help us, please!

N. : They also have a dog. He is a very clever dog. He guards the house and his master.

Dog: I am a dog, my name is Jack.
My nose is nice, my coat is black.

What’s the matter?

Kate: Jack, Jack, help us, please!

Jack: All right, Kate.

N.: The Dog by the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Together: One, two, three. One, two, three!

N.: No result.

Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!

N.: And they have a cat, Murka by name. She is a very good mother for her kittens. She takes care of them and plays with them .

Jack: Murka, Murka, help us, please!

Murka: I’m Murka the cat. I don’t like fat rats

I’m a little bit fat. When they sit on the mats.

Murka: All right, Jack. I’m coming.

N.: The Cat by the Dog, the Dog by the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Together : One, two, three. One, two, three!

N.: No result.

Together: Oh, it’s too big for us!

Murka: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!

I am a mouse,
You are a cat;
One, two, three,
You catch me!

Murka: No, I don’t. Help us, please!

Mouse: What’s the matter?

Murka: This turnip is very big for us, we can’t pull it out!

Together: One, two, three. One, two, three!

N.: The Mouse by the Cat, the Cat by the Dog, the Dog by the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter by the Grandmother, the Grandmother by the Grandfather, the Grandfather by the Turnip. Pull the Turnip.

Joe : The turnip is too big. Let’s try again.

Turnip: Here I am! I’m very big!

All together sing:

Gaily dancing round the ring,
Round the ring, round the ring,
While we all together sing,
And clap our hands in time

The baby sit down the fruit.
The fruit was born very big foot.
Go baby the fruit underground to take on the layer.
But fruit very big and deep down in earth.

The baby call money. The money was old,
But best champion heavy metal in sport.
They fruit underground to take on the layer.
But fruit very big and deep down in earth.

The baby call girl. Girl go very shot,
But she was a stooped and working can not.
They fruit underground to take on the layer.
But fruit very big and deep down in earth.

The baby call macho. He go and see girl.
That job macho loved and made woman is girl.
They fruit underground to take on the layer.
But fruit very big and deep down in earth.

The baby call tiger. Idea is bad…
The tiger eat macho without a bread.
They fruit underground to take on the layer.
But fruit very big and deep down in earth.

Дорогой, прежде чем что-то писать плохое, покапайся в себе:) у тебя граматика ужасная.. английский надо знать и чувствовать, а не так. а у меня кстати всё ок, и любвеобильность не порок! и мысли кстати выражай "more clearly"!! а то прочитать невозможно!а помощи я прошу у Бога, чтоб ВСЕ граждане были счастливы, и страна наша Будет Великой, как раньше, как при царской власти:) Будет Единой, Счастливой и Великой!!

Спасибо за отзыв, насчет грамматики полностью согласен. Но так ведь стихотворение шуточное, к тому же экспромтом. Все свои ошибки я вижу и писал так сознательно. Любовь же должна быть осмысленной и конкретной, вот меня ты например уже явно меньше хочешь сделать счастливым:) И при любой власти были, есть и будут несчастные. Мольбами тут вряд ли поможешь.

Портал Стихи.ру предоставляет авторам возможность свободной публикации своих литературных произведений в сети Интернет на основании пользовательского договора. Все авторские права на произведения принадлежат авторам и охраняются законом. Перепечатка произведений возможна только с согласия его автора, к которому вы можете обратиться на его авторской странице. Ответственность за тексты произведений авторы несут самостоятельно на основании правил публикации и законодательства Российской Федерации. Данные пользователей обрабатываются на основании Политики обработки персональных данных. Вы также можете посмотреть более подробную информацию о портале и связаться с администрацией.

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Then Granddaughter came. She pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip,\u00a0 but couldn't pull it out.
They called the dog Zhuchka. The doggy came. Zhucka pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip,\u00a0 but couldn't pull it out.
Then they called a cat. The cat joined them. It pulled the dog, the dog pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, \nGrandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip,\u00a0 but couldn't pull it\n out.
At last they called a mouse. The mouse pulled the cat,\u00a0 the cat pulled the dog, the dog pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, \nGrandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip and maneged to pull it out in the end!
">]" data-testid="answer_box_list">


Once upon a time there lived Grandpa. He planted a turnip. The turnip grew very big. Grandpa pulled it with all his might, but couldn't pull it out. Then he called Grandma. Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip, but couldn't pull it out.
Then Granddaughter came. She pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip, but couldn't pull it out.
They called the dog Zhuchka. The doggy came. Zhucka pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip, but couldn't pull it out.
Then they called a cat. The cat joined them. It pulled the dog, the dog pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip, but couldn't pull it out.
At last they called a mouse. The mouse pulled the cat, the cat pulled the dog, the dog pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled the turnip and maneged to pull it out in the end!

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Сценарий сказки "Репка " на современный лад с использованием детских песен на английском языке..

When we are happy and we know it clap the hands(we all dance).

It was spring, there were a lot of flowers in the trees and fields. The granddad was walking in the garden.

Grandfather: Oh, dear! Look, I’ve got a seed.

Grandmother: Jane, come here, look! What is it?

(прибежала внучка с телефоном в руке): I don’t know

Grandfather: I don’t know too. Let’s put it in the ground.

(Narrator: All the family waters the seed and waits for its growing.) (Показывают солнце на экране. Все ухаживают за Репкой)

Turnip: I am drinking water and growing. I am getting warm and growing. I want to become nice, sweet and big.

(One morning granddaughter notices that the seed has grown up).(Внучка идет с телефоном в руке, делает селфи)

Granddaughter: Oh, Here’s something new! What is it? Who are you?

Песня Как тебя зовут?

Granddaughter: What is your name? What is your name, now tell me please!

Turnip: My name is Turnip, My name is Turnip, My name is Turnip. That’s my name!

Granddaughter: Your name is Turnip?

Turnip: Yes!

Granddaughter: Are you a Turnip?

Turnip: Yes, I am!

Granddaughter: Grandfather, grandmother, Doggy, Cat. Look. The seed has grown up. It’s a Turnip.

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip! It’s great.

Grandmother: What a wonderful Turnip!

Grandfather: I want to pull it out. 1, 2, 3 (два раза).

Oh, no, I can’t. It’s big for me. Hey, granny, come here, help me please.

Grandmother: O key, I’m coming. Oh, what a big turnip! It looks tasty. Let’s pull it out. I’ll help you. 1, 2, 3 (два раза). Oh, no, we can’t. Jane, come here and help us.

Granddaughter: (Идет и поет песенку под рэп)

1, 2, I love you (2 раза)

1, 2, 3, I love you and you love me.

Do you want me to help you?

Grandfather, Grandmother: Yes, please!

Granddaughter: Wow, what a big turnip! It’s super. O Key, let’s try together!

1,2,3! (Все тянут, потом вытирают пот со лба.)

Granddaughter, Grandmother, Grandfather: 1, 2, 3… Oh, no, we can’t.

Granddaughter: Doggy, come here, please.

Dog: (Играет на гитаре, остальные подтанцовывают под мyзыку)

I’m a pretty little dog. I can bark, but cannot talk. I am black and like to play in the garden every day. Bow-wow, bow-wow, bow-wow. What a big turnip! It’s fantastic! Let’s pull it out. (ТЯНУТ)

1, 2, 3! Oh, we can’t!

Dog: Cat, cat, cat, come here, help us, please!

Cat: I’m a nice and funny cat

I always sleep on my green mat

I’m white and I’m grey

And I like so much to play! Mew, mew, mew, Oh, what a big turnip! It’s marvelous! I’ll help you! Let’s pull it out!

Bce: 1, 2, 3.(2 paза) Oh, we can’t!

Cat: Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Come to our house, help us, please!

Mouse: Squeak, Squeak, Squeak! Oh, what a big turnip! It’s so lovely!

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На уроке по сказке "Репка" повторяют лексические темы: овощи, семья, животные, счет, цвета, геометрические фигуры.

Цель: формирование у детей навыков общения на иностранном языке; умение пользоваться иностранным языком для достижения своих целей, выражения мыслей и чувств, в реально возникающих ситуациях общения.

Задачи: Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка и формирование познавательной активности;

Расширение кругозора, знаний о фольклоре страны изучаемого языка;

Всестороннее развитие личности, включая эмоциональную и духовную сферы;

Развитие умения применять полученные знания и навыки в конкретной обстановке;

Обобщающее повторение пройденного материала;

Вовлечение в творческий процесс всех учащихся класса, учитывая индивидуальные способности каждого.

Лексические темы: овощи, семья, животные, счет, цвета, геометрические фигуры.

Грамматические темы: множественное число существительных, present simple, глагол to be, словосочетание существительного и прилогательного.

Оборудование: презентация, картинки овощей для физминутки

Организационный момент

Приветствие учителя и учащихся. Hello boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down. How are you today? What season is it now? What can you do in such a weather?

Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

Ребята, сегодня у нас не обычный урок. А про что мы с вами сейчас угадаем. Слайд 4.

It is round, but not the moon,

It is yellow, but not a cheese,

it is sweet, but not a candy,

It has a tale, but not a mouse

Актуализация опорных знаний

Дедушка - grandfather, бабушка - grandmother, внучка - granddaughter, кошка - cat, собака - dog, мышь - mouse. Very good!

Первичная проверка понимания

Слайд 6. Ребята, про какой овощ мы с вами посмотрели сказку. Что же растет у деда в огороде? What is in grandfather’s garden? (Какой овощ посадил дед – при нажатии на неправильные ответы – овощи, сперва, окрашиваются, затем снова становятся темными. Только правильный ответ остается цветным)

Слайд 7. Кто мне скажет, какая репка-то выросла у деда - What size is the turnip? Is it small, middle or big? Show me small / middle / big (при нажатии на репку появляются размеры)

Слайд 8. Давайте вспомним кто же помогал деду вытянуть репку. Who helps to pull it?

Ученики: It is a dog и т.д.

(При нажатии на животных, они окрашиваются в цвета в соответствии с ответом. Правильный – зеленый цвет, неправильный – красный.)

Слайд 9. Ребята, давайте вспомним, как называются геометрические фигуры и цвета.

What is it? – It is a square. What colour is a square? – It’s red.

What is it? – It is a circle. What colour is a circle? – It’s blue.

What is it? – It is a triangle. What colour is a triangle? – It’s green.

Let’s help our cat to find a right way. (Кошка будет двигаться по выбранному пути при нажатии на соответствующую геометрическую фигуру.)

Дети встают, зарядка для глаз. Овощи развешаны на доске, следят глазами

A carrot and a beet.

All of them are vegetables

That I like to eat

Первичное закрепление

Слайд 10. Tell me the story. Who was the first? Who was the next?

(Кто сначала, кто потом – при нажатии на героя, он становится в свою правильную последовательность. Затем устно отвечаем на появляющиеся вопросы. Вопросы меняются по нажатию кнопки.)

Cлайд 11. Who are they? (учитель выбирает героя нажатием по нему, он окрашивается и ребенок должен его назвать)

Контроль усвоения

Слайд 13. Ребята, как вы думаете, что мы с вами должны сделать? Tell me, please, the opposite to “a big turnip – a … mouse”. Tell me, please, the opposite to “a young granddaughter – an … grandmother”. Tell me, please, the opposite to “grandfather is a man – a dog is a …”. Tell me, please, the opposite to “a yellow turnip – a … beetroot”.

Подведение итогов урока

I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to …, good – to …, etc.

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