Мама поливает цветы по английски

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

the park covers an area of 14 hectares. its creation began in 1951 by architect mikhailov. the highest professional gipg (national institute of urban design) from moscow well, "wrote" it in a flat part of the city. park "hydro" is included in textbooks on landscape architecture as a model of classical style in the regular structure ofthe park.

park is a favorite vacation spot volzhan. kids in the park can always ride the merry carousel. for young people in the park provides concert stage with a variety of activities. the older generation can stroll along the shady avenues and see dancing to a brass band. most of the newlyweds in their wedding day is considered mandatory to fulfill the tradition of his first dance in the rotunda, and photographed on the bridge of "lady's caprice."

city recreation park is he same age of the city. it was opened to the public july 25, 1954.

in 1956, the main avenue of the park was adorned with the sculpture "girl with a cock," was built rotunda. the remaining sculptures appeared in 1961.

the name "hydro," the park was awarded july 13, 1990 in honor of the great merits of gidrostroiteley in connection with the 14th anniversary of volgogradgidrostroya. park is loved by all generations volzhan how many appointments, meetings, pleasant memories stored in their memory! a rotunda was not only a symbol of the park, but also a symbol of the city.

in 1999 the park was recognized as the best in the volgograd region and annually confirmed this title.


1 My brother always reads in the evening, and I watch Tv
2 My mother usually make breakfast for me and my sister.
3 I never do my homework on Sunday
4 Where is my father? - he is repairing the car
5 The dog in the garden. - Is it playing? - No, it's sleeping
6 Are you free today after luhch? - No, I'm sorry, I'm very busy
7 Excuse me, what time is it? It's fifteen past four
8 What time do you get up? - At half past seven a.m.
9 What are you doing now? - We are waiting our friends
10 What do your parents do in their life?
Look ar rhe picture. What are these people doing? This is a pilot : he's flying the plane. This is baker : he's baking bread. This is a veterinarian : he's inspecting the dog. This is a waiter : he's serving drinks.
2 Look at the photo. This is my family. we are in the garden. There are a lot of flowers and fruit trees. My father is working. The garden is my hobby. This is me. I'm helping my father. My mother is pouring flowers around the house. My young brother Dima is playing with his friend under the big apple tree. Our pets are with us. My dog Tobik and my cat Murka are playing with the boys.


1. Мой брат всегда читает вечером, а я смотрю ТВ. - My brother always reads and I watch TV in the evening.
2. Моя мама обычно готовит завтрак для меня и моей сестры. - My mom usually cooks breakfast for my sister and me.
3. Я никогда не делаю уроки в воскресенье. - I never do my homework on Sundays.
4. Где папа? - Он ремонтирует машину. - Where is Dad? - He is fixing the car.
5. Собака в саду. - Она играет? - Нет, спит. - The dog is in the garden. - Is it playing? - No, it's sleeping.
6. Ты свободен сегодня после обеда? - Нет, извини, я очень занят. - Are you free after dinner today? - No, I am not. I'm busy, sorry.
7. будьте добры, который час? - 4.15. - Excuse me, what's the time, please? - It's a quarter past four.
8. В котором часу ты встаёшь? - В 7.30. - When do you get up? - I get up at 7.30
9. Что вы сейчас делаете? - Мы ждём друзей. - What are you doing now? - We are waiting for our friends.
10. Чем занимаются (где работают) твои родители - What do your parents do?/ What are your parents? / What are your parents' jobs/occupations/professions?
1. Посмотри на картинку! Что делают эти люди? - Это лётчик: он управляет самолётом. - Look at the picture? What are these people doing?
Это пекарь: он печёт хлеб. - This is a baker. He is baking bread.
Это ветеринар: он осматривает собаку. - This is a vet. He is examining a dog.
Это официант: он подаёт напитки. - This is a waiter. He is serving some drinks.
2. Посмотри на фотографию. Это моя семья. - Look at the photo. This is my family.
Мы в саду. У нас в саду много цветов и плодовых деревьев. - We are in the garden. We have a lot of flowers and fruit trees in the garden.
Папа работает. Сад - это его хобби. - My Dad is working. Gardening is his hobby.
Это я. Я папе. - It's me. I'm helping my father.
Мама поливает цветы около дома. - My mother is watering flowers near the house.
Мой младший брат Дима играет со своим другом под большой яблоней. - My little brother Dima is playing with his friend under the big apple tree.
Наши питомцы снами. Собака Тобик и кошка Мурка играют вместе с мальчиками. - Our pets are with us. TThe dog named Tobic and the cat named Murka are playing with the boys.


1). Look at the picture!

What are these people doing?

This is a pilot - he is flying a plane.

This is a baker - he is baking bread.

This is a vet - he is examining the dog.

This is a waiter - he is serving drinks.

2). Look at the picture! This is my family. We're in the garden. There are many flowers and fruit trees in our garden. Father is working. The garden is his hobby. That's me. I'm helping my father. Mother is watering the flowers near the house. My younger brother Dima is playing with his friend under a big apple tree. Our pets are with us. The dog Tobik and the cat Murka are playing with the boys.




Look at the photo. This is my family. We're in the garden. We have a lot of flowers and fruit trees in the garden. Dad is working. To keep garden is his hobby. It's me. I'm helping my dad. Mum is watering flowers near the house. My younger brother Dima and his friend are playing under a big apple-tree. There are our pets with us. The dog Tobik and the cat Murka are playing together with the boys.


Look at the picture what are these people doing? this pilot: it manages the aircraft. it pekar he bakes bread this vet: he examines soba this waiter it takes 2 look at the photo. this is my family. we are in the garden. we have a lot in the garden of flowers and fruit trees (fruit trees) dad working. the garden is a hobby it's me, i help dad. mother watering flowers around the house my younger brother dima plays with his friend under the big apple tree. our pets with us. toby dog and cat murka play with the boys


Look at the picture what are these people doing? this pilot: it manages the aircraft. it pekar he bakes bread this vet: he examines soba this waiter it takes 2 look at the photo. this is my family. we are in the garden. we have a lot in the garden of flowers and fruit trees dad works. the garden is a hobby it's me, i help dad. mother watering flowers around the house my younger brother dima plays with his friend under the big apple tree. our pets with us. toby dog and cat murka play with the boys


My mother is watering the flowers.
My morher isn't watering the flowers.
Is my mother watering the flowers?

Другие вопросы по Английскому языку



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Как вы думаете какое правило поведения в мишиной комнате 1. заходить в комнату с собаками 2.звонить ему 3.открывать дверь 4.читать его книги 5.вытирать пыль с кота 6.убирать в комнате 7.открывать окно 8. сидеть на стуле


Underline the correct tense. 1. i saw jim this morning. he ran/was running for the bus. 2. keri was angry. she had been waiting/was waiting for sarah for two hours. 3. andy was relieved to hear that he was passing/had passed the exam. 4. i was walking/had walked home when i saw paul. 5. brian learnt/had learnt how to spell his name at school today. 6. they hadn’t visited/weren’t visiting their grandparents for a long time. 7. i watched/was watching television when the telephone rang. 8. jason had been thinking/had thought about his new car all day. 9. i bought the dress because i wanted/had wanted something special to wear to the party. 10. the little boy was crying because he had lost/was losing his mother. 11. graham had been working/was working for the company for twenty years before he retired. 12. pam opened/had opened the present and read the card. 13. lucy wrote/had written a letter to her sister last night. 14. it had been raining/was raining all day and the roads were very wet. 15. sue was smiling/had smiled as she was reading mary’s letter.


Выписать все глаголы времени dolls that sing and dance, cars that move at the touch of a button and aeroplanes that fly are the toys that make children happy today. now, let’s take a journey into the past. what toys were there in a child’s playground in the 18th century or the victorian times? — куклы, которые поют и танцуют, машинки, которые двигаются по нажатию кнопки и самолеты, которые летают — все это игрушки, которые делают детей счастливыми сегодня. сейчас давайте предпримем путешествие в какие игрушки были на детской площадке в восемнадцатом веке или в викторианскую эпоху? in those times, building bricks with letters of the alphabet on them were very common. toys of this kind helped children learn while playing. other toys such as model kitchens, doll’s houses, toy stoves and tea sets taught girls how to run a home. dolls of wood, clay and wax were also very popular with girls and prepared them to become mothers. as for boys, tool kits, trains, cars, trucks and garages gave them an interest in engineering. both boys and girls, though, loved their rocking horses, and teddy bears. — в те времена, строительные кирпичи с буквами алфавита на них были самым обычным делом. игрушки такого рода детям учиться во время игры. другие игрушки, такие как модели кухонь, домики для кукол, игрушечные печи и чайные наборы учили девочек, как с хозяйством. куклы из дерева, глины и воска были также популярными у девочек и готовили их быть матерями. для мальчиков, наборы инструментов, поезда, машинки, грузовики и гаражи возбуждали в них интерес к инженерному делу. и мальчики и девочки любили их скачущих лошадок и плюшевых мишек. things for children from poor families were different. they played mostly on the street and they didn’t have money to buy new dolls or toy cars. they used mud, tin caps, old clothes and their imagination to make their own toys. — вещи для детей из бедных семей были совсем другими. они играли в большинстве случаев на улице и у них не было денег, чтобы купить кукол или игрушечные машинки. они использовали грязь, жестяные крышки, старую одежду и их воображение создавало их собственные игрушки. no matter how old or new, expensive or cheap toys are, they always have a special place in children’s hearts, throughout the ages


Спо ! выпишите из текста 5 предложений в present simple, поставьте их в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.1.i’ll never forget my first visit to the belarusian opera and ballet theatre. my friend and i wanted to see the famous ballet swan lake by tchaikovsky. weknew the plot very well. we also knew some pieces of music from this ballet(small swans’ dance) and decided to see the whole performance.2. we bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour beforethe show. in the foyer we bought the programme. such famous dancers as t. yershova – international competition laureate, people’s artist of the republicof belarus (as zigfrid) were costarring in this ballet. the ballet is about thegreat love of prince zigfrid and a beautiful young girl odetta by name.3. at 7 sharp the performance began. from the very first minute i was deeplyimpressed by everything i saw on the stage. the setting and the dancing weresuperb and exciting. the costumes were fine, the music was thrilling. theballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. i had never seen anything more wonderfulbefore. my friend also enjoyed every minute of it.4. after the first act we went to look over the theatre. we saw the boxes, thepit, the dress-circle and the gallery. there were many portraits of famousopera-singers, ballet-dancers, musicians and producers on the walls of thefoyer. among them we could see the portraits of a. savchenko, r. petrov, m. gulegina, etc.5. when the curtains fell at the end of the performance there came a storm ofapplause. it seemed that it would never end. the dancers received call aftercall. they were presented with large bouquets of flowers. we also . the performance was a success. образуйте степени сравнения с : therewhenthatreceived

ПОЛИВАТЬ — ПОЛИВАТЬ, полить, поливывать что, чем, лит на что, по чему, обливать, смачивать, орошать, пускать струю воды, жидкости. Чужа дальня сторона, она горем посеяна, слезами поливана, тоскою упитана, печалью горожена! Поливай цветы, гряды, и холсты,… … Толковый словарь Даля

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Примеры использования Поливать цветы в предложениях и их переводы

Tractor driver Igor Anachko helps the gardeners water the flowers in the daytime and washes pavements during his night shift.

Условия уровня продержаться минуту поливать цветы которые вянут все быстрее и не потерять более трех цветков.

Level requirements to hold a minute watering flowers that fade faster and not lose more than three flowers.

Речь может идти о том чтобы самому нести игрушку поливать цветы или кормить морскую свинку. Но всегда следите за тем

Четыре DoliDoli друзья приглашают вас использовать ваши навыки в становление наибольшее пасечник и производить некоторые сладкий мед. Завод

The four DoliDoli friends invite you to use your skills into becoming the greatest bee-keeper and produce some sweet honey. Plant

away to make the delicious honey. Enlarge with each level your production land and acquire more bees.

The report is interrupted by sequences in which the protagonist waters flowers or simply bathes her feet in the water.

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